A designer hand bag is considered to be an “investment piece” more than just an accessory. Most of the high-end, luxury brands are individually made (often by hand) with a serial number or artisan signature sewn into one of the pockets. When purchasing a designer bag, at a discounted price, it is wise to make sure that you are in fact buying a legitimate product and not a fake knock-off. Check that the logo is correct, that the stitching is straight and all the edges line up. Signature pieces have signature detail that will make it easy for you to pick up.
Purchasing a preloved designer hand bag is another great way to beat the price crunch while ensuring that you are indeed getting an original! Most legit second hand designer bag sites verify that each bag is legitimate and will even detail the exact condition of the bag in question. If you’re looking to purchase a designer bag, at a good price, check out these top picks:
TORY BURCH Amanda Large Black Leather Shoulder Bag
This classic Tory Burch original features a tan interior with 3 interior pockets. The genuine leather material shows that it has been gently used, but superbly looked after. The exterior of this purse is black and the hardware a gold-tone. The strap drop is 15 and the handle drop is 7.
Price: $250
FENDI Black Leather and Sequin Shoulder Bag
The Fendi Baguette shoulder bag is a favorite. It features black metallic sequin covered leather with silver-tone hardware. The black leather shoulder strap drop is 6 inches. It has been gently used and is in great condition.
Price: $322
GUCCI Horsebit Flap Gold Tone Small Black Patent Leather Shoulder Bag
Gently used, this Gucci classic features a flap closure with suede underside. The horsebit hardware detail on the front and adjustable shoulder strap sets this piece apart. The bags exterior is genuine patent leather, and its interior is a one zippered multi-colored canvas.
Price: $248
PRADA Black Fabric X Nylon X Leather X Patent Leather Shoulder Bag
This Prada shoulder bag features a nylon body with a flat leather strap and top zip closure. Exterior scuff marks and leather aging shows visible signs of wear, but it is still a great piece to add to any bag collection.
Price: $313
PRADA Black Fabric X Nylon X Leather X Others Shoulder Bag
Featuring a nylon body, top zip closure, interior zip pocket and trendy flat strap, this Prada shoulder bag is quite popular. It has a lengthy shoulder drop of 29 cm and is 25 cm in length.
Price: $228
FENDI Chain Black Leather X Others X Leather X Patent Leather Shoulder Bag
A velour body and silver-tone chains give this Fendi Pequin handbag a distinctive look. The piece features a flat leather strap, front flap and interior slip pocket. The item has a definite pre-loved look, and is slightly scratched and worn. The interior is slightly discolored.
Price: $300
GUCCI Bamboo Convertible Black Leather Shoulder Bag
The Gucci Bamboo Convertible bag features stunning gold tone hardware, a leather exterior and a push snap closure. The bamboo handles are a big feature of the bag, first appearing in 1947 when WWII was coming to an end when countries – mainly Europe – were forced to ration their resources. Gucci designers then decided to turn to bamboo cane, imported from Japan, in their bid to find materials that did not affect the aesthetics of their products. This pre-loved hand bag has interior lining wear but is still a great find.
Price: $140
Michael Kors Middleton Medium Black Leather Shoulder Bag
Featuring a genuine leather finish with stud accents, this classic Michael Kors shoulder bag is exquisite. Other features include the magnetic snap closure, the chain and leather handle and the definitive Michael Kors pendant. This bag has a 9 inch handle drop and shows no visible signs of wear.